
Showing posts from February, 2019

Anxiety and Spiritual Awakening

Anxiety and Spiritual Awakening awakening and anxiety Why do you have anxiety in the spiritual awakening process? I went through a rather crazy level of anxiety in the early phases of my Awakening journey.   It started on the second day following the first glimpse that ' something is out there in the world '. It always starts like this.  After a few months you will be able to properly integrate what you have been going through, journey is very subjective. Back then I had no idea, it felt like there was someone else in control of my mind. Later, I learnt it was my crown chakra movement. I had a panic attack, unable to understand and fear of the unknown. It stopped bothering me into anxiety after I understood it was a message. If you are experiencing anxiety and panic attack for the first time, you need to make sure it really is. Check resources or read this article for more. Other symptoms of Spiritual Awakening are much chilled out compared to anxiety. It ...


ENLIGHTENMENT VERSUS SPIRITUAL AWAKENING-  UNSPOKEN TRUTH THROUGH REALIZATION enlightenment Vs spiritual awakening : raw    I must have to lay back and laugh a little before I would start talking about it. This is how the Universe taught me about the design of our world. This article is written as I have learned so that you get the uncensored version of the truth. So, it is kind of written in a story-telling format. Today, even the information we have is a half-truth. As time unfolds, we will have more awakened souls, and the universe will grant us what we need for the future.  There are a few things I must establish before we start to talk about it. First, it is not we, humans that are learning about the world but, the opposite. We are not humans, in need of help, seeking enlightenment to free us from this pain. This is human-level perception.  Instead, we are the powerful, divine, intelligent universe who chose voluntarily to feel pain and suf...


39 SIGNS OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENING-WITH 10 STRANGE SIGNS. 11:11 IT’S TIME. 39 SIGNS OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENING-WITH 10 STRANGE SIGNS. 11:11 IT’S TIME. 39 is an angel number which means the heavens are working for you. If you see this number, you know you are going to receive a bountiful. 1. Your senses have heightened.  You can see the flower in the middle of a crowded street, where normally you would be stomping or disturbed because of all the noise or people. You sometimes feel like the water is making a lot of noise. 2. Your perception changes. What made you angry doesn’t upset you anymore. In higher levels, you start feeling completely different about the world. You know the world is made up of love not matter. 3. Physical signs  show up as pain in the forehead area(between the eyebrows), activity at the crown of the head, ringing in the ears, 4. Emotionally unstable You feel happy sometimes like nothing could bring you down, next you could be angry at the...


TOP 5 UNMISTAKABLE SIGNS OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENING NO ONE TALKS ABOUT TOP 5 UNMISTAKABLE SIGNS OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENING NO ONE TALKS ABOUT You will be surprised how much commonness you share with other souls in this journey of spirituality. The strange journey could scare you. Knowing it is all part of a planned journey will calm you down, and help you prepare. There are Indigo children, Earthangels all around the world solely with the purpose to help you in this.  Although the time, duration of the phases could be different for different people, and the purpose too. Some early in their journey take time to change from within. The real changes are actually simple. If you are unsure about your spiritual awakening, check out these signs. They are actually the result of small changes that happen through Awakening. TOP 5 UNMISTAKABLE SIGNS OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENING NO ONE TALKS ABOUT 1. You are becoming aware of your surroundings like they are alive. Water has the...


11 THINGS ONLY HIGHLY AWAKE PEOPLE UNDERSTAND 11 things only highly awake people understand As you move higher in your consciousness you start understanding higher religious principles. Things humankind have been searching for answers to for a very long time, you have the answers now.  Sometimes, history will repeat, you will have deja vu but, now you understand everything with clarity. Heck, you even realize why sages can sit so quietly, renouncing materialistic things. It is because of the  engineering of the  minds of the real enlightened people changes.   They feel so happy all the time, they don’t have to go accumulating more wealth like others. Nothing fancy! Let’s go through some topics, see if you have anything in common. 1. WHY SPIRITUAL AWAKENING? We all are here to raise the common energy of the universe together., As an individual, you are light, divine. You have chosen this path. You may not like it at times but will soon realiz...


“Not feeling loved or not being able to love anyone is the biggest illusion.” WHAT IS SPIRITUAL AWAKENING? WHAT IS SPIRITUAL AWAKENING-GUIDE TO SPIRITUAL WORLD While some people describe it by the feeling, others define it by the process of spiritual awakening.  You are here either excited to learn about awakening, or you are going through it yourself, and you need help. What are we really waking up to? Yes. This world is amazing! You finally get that satisfying feeling what even millions of dollar doesn’t give you. You wake up to this truth on your own. You are looking at the same building, same traffic, same people but, now they look divine. You will slowly open up to love, safety, magical side of this world. Welcome to this fantastic journey. Your soul has agreed to go through it. Spiritual awakening is you waking up through the half-truth, through the illusion and realizing the power of the universe and yes it is very, very powerful. This is why Gautam ...