Anxiety and Spiritual Awakening

Anxiety and Spiritual Awakening awakening and anxiety Why do you have anxiety in the spiritual awakening process? I went through a rather crazy level of anxiety in the early phases of my Awakening journey.   It started on the second day following the first glimpse that ' something is out there in the world '. It always starts like this.  After a few months you will be able to properly integrate what you have been going through, journey is very subjective. Back then I had no idea, it felt like there was someone else in control of my mind. Later, I learnt it was my crown chakra movement. I had a panic attack, unable to understand and fear of the unknown. It stopped bothering me into anxiety after I understood it was a message. If you are experiencing anxiety and panic attack for the first time, you need to make sure it really is. Check resources or read this article for more. Other symptoms of Spiritual Awakening are much chilled out compared to anxiety. It ...



11:11 IT’S TIME.

39 SIGNS OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENING-WITH 10 STRANGE SIGNS. 11:11 IT’S TIME., healing, balancing, chakras, kundalini, guide to spiritual world, awakening, spiritual, love light, divine, higher consciousness, signs of awakening, soul, love life, 1111, 69, angel numbers, manifesting, affirmation, abundance, universe withing, youare universe, wisdown, religion, god, krishna, jesus, krishna consciousness, meditation, buddha teachings, zen focus, affirmations, money magnet, mass awakening, sai baba, shirdhi baba

39 is an angel number which means the heavens are working for you. If you see this number, you know you are going to receive a bountiful.

1. Your senses have heightened. 

You can see the flower in the middle of a crowded street, where normally you would be stomping or disturbed because of all the noise or people.
You sometimes feel like the water is making a lot of noise.

2. Your perception changes.
What made you angry doesn’t upset you anymore. In higher levels, you start feeling completely different about the world. You know the world is made up of love not matter.

3. Physical signs show up as pain in the forehead area(between the eyebrows), activity at the crown of the head, ringing in the ears,

4. Emotionally unstable
You feel happy sometimes like nothing could bring you down, next you could be angry at the whole world. The emotional rollercoaster is a process to help you heal.

5. Curious to learn about the truth of the world
Even if you were not at all interested in the spiritual side before this, you are deep in searching. You follow other awakened souls on Instagram, Facebook, read books.

6. Change in likes or dislikes
Movies that were your favorite for 25 years straight, and now you can’t even stand watching it for a few minutes. The brain is going through rewiring, and your whole personality starts changing.

7. Change in eating habits
You hate your old favorites and get new cravings or even may start eating healthy food. 
39 SIGNS OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENING-WITH 10 STRANGE SIGNS. 11:11 IT’S TIME., healing, balancing, chakras, kundalini, guide to spiritual world, awakening, spiritual, love light, divine, higher consciousness, signs of awakening, soul, love life, 1111, 69, angel numbers, manifesting, affirmation, abundance, universe withing, youare universe, wisdown, religion, god, krishna, jesus, krishna consciousness, meditation, buddha teachings, zen focus, affirmations, money magnet, mass awakening, sai baba, shirdhi baba

8. You learn how to take care of yourself.
The biggest goal of spiritual awakening is to make you look inside. It actually teaches you to step by step. You may start loving to make up, not just to cover up. You love taking care of your room.

9. Sometimes you have so much energy, it’s crazy.
You may start a new hobby or start doing new things. I had no interest in social media. I use to call myself off the radar. Now I am a part of the internet. All my posts are on Instagram  (Ig:awakeninguyw, follow me).

10. You feel depressed for months in a row.
While you have positive energy, you also go through changes inside of you. It is like the whole universe inside of you is changing but, no one can see it.
You feel so low, you can’t stand working the same job at times.

11. Career change

Your whole desires change. Imagine having a dream all your life, and suddenly you don’t want it anymore. There will be nothing driving you. 
I will be delving deep into this in a different article because it has everyone bothered.

12. You are a different person.

You laugh a lot and be the light in the room. You feel different and alive. Being adored by people was never that easy.

13. You found Inner Peace.
Dalai Lama and everyone else was right. Inner peace does exist. Literally!!!
You feel so calm at times, it is like your brain chooses to stay quiet.

39 SIGNS OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENING-WITH 10 STRANGE SIGNS. 11:11 IT’S TIME., healing, balancing, chakras, kundalini, guide to spiritual world, awakening, spiritual, love light, divine, higher consciousness, signs of awakening, soul, love life, 1111, 69, angel numbers, manifesting, affirmation, abundance, universe withing, youare universe, wisdown, religion, god, krishna, jesus, krishna consciousness, meditation, buddha teachings, zen focus, affirmations, money magnet, mass awakening, sai baba, shirdhi baba


14. Clarity.
You start understanding why people are angry. You have moments of realization every other day, and see the suffering around the world. 
In the higher consciousness, you understand how and why of the suffering design of the world. You are not angry anymore.

15. Waking up between 11pm and 3am.
Because of the energy shifts that you currently undergoing, you may wake up frequently between 11pm to 3 am. Sometimes, you may look at the clock and find it is 11:11, 03:03, etc. 
This is a sign by universe letting you know you are in alignment, on the right path.

16. Vivid dreams
It is like you were there. Dreams make sense and even give you a sign. You may forget a lot of what happened.

17. Deja vu
Similar past events occurring is very common. It is to show you how much you have changed as you feel differently about it now. The universe is also trying to talk to you, saying it really cares about you.

18. Call from an old friend
Out of nowhere, you get a call from an old friend. This is to show you that you are totally going in the right path, your past is no different. Everything is connected.

19. Meeting soulmates
You may run into your friends, family members from your past lives. I don’t even remember how many I have met in a few months. One was my a lover, his jokes made me feel immense love for him. I don’t think he felt it though. 

20. Bursts of love 
The first phase of the journey is to teach you to let go of most unnecessary fears that we needed earlier as a human to survive. You will learn small lessons from the universe, and end up feeling like letting yourself go from being too worried into the caring basket of the love of the universe.

21. You never feel worthless about yourself.
It is weird to you how you were a different person earlier. Now you feel your power, intelligence. You don’t even have to go around showing. You know we all are the same.

22. You feel the power.
The later phase of the journey after seeing much coincidences and healing yourself, you end up feeling so relaxed and confident. You realize how powerful you are.
39 SIGNS OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENING-WITH 10 STRANGE SIGNS. 11:11 IT’S TIME., healing, balancing, chakras, kundalini, guide to spiritual world, awakening, spiritual, love light, divine, higher consciousness, signs of awakening, soul, love life, 1111, 69, angel numbers, manifesting, affirmation, abundance, universe withing, youare universe, wisdown, religion, god, krishna, jesus, krishna consciousness, meditation, buddha teachings, zen focus, affirmations, money magnet, mass awakening, sai baba, shirdhi baba

24. Intuition develops
You have a deep knowing of your purpose long before anything has manifested. You are connected to everything, you are the universe, so what happens around is a part of you too. This is what common consciousness is, it is all knowing!

25. Coincidences
Just when you are thinking about a song, you hear a song with the same words being played in someone’s phone, on the radio, or at a distance. What are the odds?
Just when you think that you are too tired to walk, someone may offer you a lift.

26. Learning about past lives.
As you start clearing the heavy emotions of the past, you also get signs about your past lives. You may start recognizing certain traits from this life similar to your previous lives. It is pretty fun.

39 SIGNS OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENING-WITH 10 STRANGE SIGNS. 11:11 IT’S TIME., healing, balancing, chakras, kundalini, guide to spiritual world, awakening, spiritual, love light, divine, higher consciousness, signs of awakening, soul, love life, 1111, 69, angel numbers, manifesting, affirmation, abundance, universe withing, youare universe, wisdown, religion, god, krishna, jesus, krishna consciousness, meditation, buddha teachings, zen focus, affirmations, money magnet, mass awakening, sai baba, shirdhi baba

27. Miracles.
With smaller coincidences, some big miracles follow too. 
When I was trying to bang my head over trying to figure out what I need to do in my life, one morning, I heard a voice, a lady’s voice in my head saying ‘What if you’re an angel.’ There is a lot more to that story now, but at that time it was so real. This leads us to number 28.

28. Spirit Guides
(Followed from 27) My guardian angels gave me strong signs on who I was, and had been with me since forever. Funny, this did not startle me at all.
You start to connect with your spirit guides. They send you signs everywhere. You start feeling a warm presence around you. 

29. Seeing numbers.
Angel numbers like 11, 1111, 1212, 333, 555, 66, 39, you start seeing them everywhere. In clocks, phone, etc. This means you are in alignment. Every number means different. When you see them often, pay attention. 

30. Oneness
You start feeling connected with everyone around you. The non-living things, rivers, everything feels like a part of you.  

31. Creativity 
Creativity bursts through you,. New ideas, jokes,  images, songs keep coming to you.

32. Electrical malfunctions
Because of your increased vibrations, the lightbulbs, wires, radio flicker or goes haywire.

33. You will have moments of joy and bursts.

34.  You have a brain fog. It is like having a heavy floating energy in your brain which makes you blunt and drained.

35. Heart palpitations
If if you have anxiety, it will surface. You start feeling more anxious and worried about smaller things people said, or any work-related stuff. You will find your heart beating fast at times for no reason. This may even happen at night and fill you up with adrenaline.

36. A desire to meet your twin flame.

Your heart pounds with love like never before and you want to look out for him/her. Your intuition may lead you to download apps for dating online, etc. 
39 SIGNS OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENING-WITH 10 STRANGE SIGNS. 11:11 IT’S TIME., healing, balancing, chakras, kundalini, guide to spiritual world, awakening, spiritual, love light, divine, higher consciousness, signs of awakening, soul, love life, 1111, 69, angel numbers, manifesting, affirmation, abundance, universe withing, youare universe, wisdown, religion, god, krishna, jesus, krishna consciousness, meditation, buddha teachings, zen focus, affirmations, money magnet, mass awakening, sai baba, shirdhi baba

37. You lose track of time. Sometimes it is fast, and sometimes it is like some moments never happened. You only remember it with memory.

38.Meditation is amazing
Meditation works differently now. You enter even deeper states of relaxation. You feel peace and recharged for a whole day.
Click here for How to deep meditate easily7

39. You keep a distance from other people.
Even family members, close friends are more than difficult to converse with. You need a lot of alone time. 

Take every need that is possible. Take plenty of rest and learn to let go of unnecessary worries. 
Give self-care the prime importance. 
If you have anxiety because of the awakening, take it slow. You will be alright. I will be writing entire posts on anxiety very soon.
Comment down below if you have any requests or queries. 

You can follow me on Instagram, Awakeninguyw. I post daily. 


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Anxiety and Spiritual Awakening